President: Brittany Spradling

Vice President of Communications: Ashley Brown
Vice President of Finance: Lauren Kaltz
Vice President of Events: Angie Lockwood
Vice President of Volunteers: Kristen Plafkin
Vice President of Fundraising: Jorie Becklin

Secretary: Jenni Dee

Treasurer: Katie Pfeifer

Member at Large: Marissa Andersen
Member at Large: Savana Beal
Member at Large: Mary Scripps

​Teacher Representative:  

​Principal:  Nathan Peltz



As a PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) board, it is our goal to promote the welfare of our children and to enrich their educational environment by providing school volunteer programs, participating in fundraising activities and to provide a variety of educational and enrichment activities for our students.

​The PTO is an organization run completely by volunteer parents/guardians/grandparents, etc. All parents and guardians are automatically considered members of the PTO. There are no dues to pay. We are a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization in the State of Michigan and formed for educational purposes. Any donation to the Pine Ridge PTO is tax-deductible and no single person may profit or gain from its activities. Purchases made by the PTO are tax-exempt. The PTO Board Members meet monthly, and there are four PTO General Member Meetings throughout the school year.

​We could never do this all without our many excellent volunteers. If you are interested in helping out on a committee, please contact the PTO President.


PTO Board Members